Troxes: Strategic Media Kit and
Product Expansion


Troxes, known for its innovative construction system that fosters creativity in spatial thinking, wanted to broaden its market reach and enhancing its product line to capture a more extensive customer base. This case study explores how we designed a strategic media kit that not only expanded their product offerings but also solidified their position as a leader in educational play.


Troxes wanted to reach a broader audience beyond its established base of educators and design enthusiasts. The company sought to make its products more appealing to a wider demographic, including young learners and parents, without diluting the brand’s focus on creativity and intellectual development.


Through extensive market research and consumer feedback analysis, it became clear that consumers are increasingly looking for beauty products that not only meet their aesthetic and health needs but also align with their values concerning social and environmental issues. There was a significant opportunity for Kapuluan to lead with a strong, purpose-driven message that highlighted their unique position in the market.


VasConsulting conducted comprehensive market analysis and identified key areas where Troxes could innovate to increase appeal and visibility. Through consumer behavior studies and trend analysis, VasConsulting discovered a growing demand for educational toys that combine learning with fun, particularly in the STEM fields.


The strategic media kit resulted in significant outcomes for Troxes: 

Increased Market Reach: Troxes successfully expanded its customer base to include a broader demographic of children and parents. 

Enhanced Brand Recognition: The engaging media kit and expanded product line reinforced Troxes’ position as an innovator in educational play, leading to increased brand recognition and enhanced industry standing.

Boosted Sales: Enhanced visibility and appeal led to an increase in sales, with new product lines becoming best-sellers within the first six months of launch.

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